Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Julius Shulman at Work - 1948 (Job No. 304, 9-15-1948)

Julius Shulman's architectural photography is well known to most aficianados of modernism but not so much is known about his non-related work for publications such as Sunset. The attached Shulman cover photo for the December 1948 Christmas issue is a good case in point.

The Getty Research Institute Julius Shulman Resources web site is a great place to spend some time learning more about this other facet of Shulman's amazing oeuvre. The following link takes you to the Shulman Resources page where you will see a sidebar for "Remembering Julius Shulman: A memorial service for Julius Shulman (1910-2009) celebrated his remarkable life and work" lovingly prepared by Anne Blecksmith, Director of Digital Resources for the Getty Research Institute.

Click on the pdf link in the sidebar and proceed to slide no. 4 and voila, you see the Master at work directing the arrangement of the cookies baked in Sunset's Southern California Editor Ellen Sheridan's home. The cover image also appeared on Sunset's gift subscription card in this issue. Blecksmith's PDF is but a small example of the treasures that await to be found exploring the Getty's Shulman's material

My on-going research for a book on Shulman's cover photos has led to 800 Shulman covers to date and 8,000 articles, books etc. containing photos by Shulman, many of which I hope to share in future posts. Stay tuned.