Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Modern Patrons: Buff & Hensman in Pasadena

SAH/SCC Tour & Talk: Pasadena
Saturday, May 8, 2010, 10AM-12PM

 Modern Patrons, Richard King and Carol Soucek King. November, 2005 issue of Arroyo. (photographer unknown)

For a nice followup to the March 28th Pasadena Heritage Spring Home Tour "Buff & Hensman: The Art of Modernism", (see below)

 Tour Brochure for "Buff & Hensman: The art of Modernism", Pasadena Heritage, March 28, 2010 (Cover photo of the Bea Residence by Jim Staub)

the Southern California Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians is sponsoring  "Modern Patrons: Buff & Hensman in Pasadena." Following is an excerpt from the latest SAH/SCC Newsletter http://www.sahscc.org/SAHSCC%20News%20MaJu%202010.pdf.

"SAH/SCC is offering another signature event in our Modern Patrons program with a very special opportunity to visit the Buff & Hensman King Residence in Pasadena. Built in 1979, the King Residence is a superb example of Buff & Hensman’s melding of architecture and landscape in a most unusual setting in the Arroyo, beneath the monumental Highway 134 overcrossing.

King Residence, Buff & Hensman, Pasadena, 1979. (Photographer unknown)

This will be a rare opportunity to enjoy the house and surrounding gardens and also learn firsthand from the owners who hired the architects to create a place of serenity and refuge in a spectacular setting. In the monograph Buff & Hensman (USC Guild Press/Balcony Press, 2004), on his partnership with Conrad Buff III, author Don Hensman recalls the King Residence as “a deceptively straightforward floor plan (that) is balanced without being superfluous. Neutral stucco walls complement the natural wood trim of the sunken living room. In fact, the home feels more like sculpture than structure. We designed the artscape and landscaping to connect three structures, blending them into the natural surroundings.” Executed in three phases, the undertaking led to a close friendship among the homeowners and architects. Make your plans to join us for another truly remarkable example of our region’s extensive architectural heritage."

Note: Modern Patrons events are a perk of Patron level membership.

Buff & Hensman (and USC) patrons Richard King and Carol Soucek King also hosted a memorable symposium "The World of Buff & Hensman" on November 16, 2009 at which the formal announcement of the donation of their fabulous home, a prime example of Buff & Hensman's work, to USC and the acceptance by School of Architecture Dean Ma were made.

Announcement card for November 16, 2008 Symposium. Photo by Julius Shulman who was in attendance and made an impromptu speech during the event.

I have work in progress on a Buff & Hensman project database and am nearing completion on a 500 item annotated and illustrated Buff & Hensman Bibliography. Stay tuned.