Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Visual Acoustics: The Modernism of Julius Shulman Now Available on DVD

For all you legions of Julius Shulman fans the long awaited DVD of "Visual Acoustics: The Modernism of Julius Shulman"  is now available. Go to the following link and place your order now.

While at the site also check out film maker Eric Bricker's excellent blog at to get the latest news on the film. I was fortunate enough to have met Eric while researching a book I was working with Julius on which will capture all of the covers his images have graced over the years. I have found 800 to date. Eric included half a dozen covers in the film and gave me a nice credit as "Image Consultant." The film, narrated by Dustin Hoffman, has won numerous Film Festival Awards and just aired on Sundance Channel Monday evening. This is one of those classics that you will never tire of and will watch repeatedly over the years.