Monday, May 13, 2013

Imre Weisshaus, The Carmelite, August 28, 1929

I was just browsing among a selection of issues of The Carmelite and was struck by the below August 28, 1929 cover because of the fascinating story that could be woven around it. The Carmelite's salad days occurred during the 1928-29 editorship of Pauline Schindler whose interest in all things modern manifested upon the pages of the avant-garde Carmel-by-the-Sea weekly. Schindler took meticulous care on the graphic layout and incorporation of artwork provided by friends in her circle such as Edward Weston, Johan Hagemeyer and his sister-in-law Dora, Ansel Adams, Roger Sturtevant, the Bruton sisters and numerous others. The Carmelite's staff artist, former Kings Road habitue Virginia Tooker, provided a continuous stream of linoleum and wood block prints to illustrate and graphically balance the pages of the paper. Pauline used the paper more or less as an organ for a northern extension of her Kings Road salons. Her passion since her days as president of the Clef Club at Smith College was modern music in all its forms.

Smith College Yearbook, 1915.

The Carmelite, August 28, 1929, p. 1. Wood block print of Hungarian pianist Imre Weisshaus by Virginia Tooker.

The above cover includes a wrap-up of the summer recital season discussing the last two performances by contributing editor Dane Rudhyar and visiting Hungarian pianist Imre Weisshaus. Also included are news items on the recovery of Brett Weston from a broken leg and Dan James from a serious auto accident.

Letter from Galka Scheyer to R. M. Schindler, ca. February 1929.

Insert Weston Daybooks references to weisshaus and drive to valley w/ "Paul."

Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Dickinson Residence, Isabella Ave. and Scenic Dr., Carmel, 1923. M. J. Murphy, contractor. "New Dickinson Home in Carmel," Carmel Pine Cone, n.d., ca. 1923. Courtesy Harrison Memorial Library Local History Room, Carmel. 

Letter from Imre Weisshaus to R. M. Schindler, July 24, 1929. 

Imre Weisshaus, Carmel Beach, ca. 1929. Photographer unknown. Courtesy Harrison Memorial Library, Carmel, Lincoln Steffens Papers. 

Imre Weisshaus, 1929. Photo by Johan Hagemeyer. Courtesy Bancroft Library, UC-Berkeley.

Letter from Imre Weisshaus to R. M. Schindler, December 9, 1929. 

insert interior photo of Greene Studio w/ piano and Carmelites referencing performances there..

Charles Sumner Greene, mother, Lelia Ariana Mather Greene, wife Alice, and daughter Anne, 1931. Courtesy of the Greene & Greene Archives.

Ted Reichert, July 17, 1939. Photo by Johan Hagemeyer. Courtesy Bancroft Library, University of California.

Letter from Imre Weisshaus to Charles Sumner Greene, December 10, 1929.

D. L. James Residence, Carmel Highlands, Charles Sumner Greene, Architect, 1924.

Dan James, 1932. Photo by Edward Weston.

Theodore Dreiser funeral. December 1945. Dan James, Berkeley Tobey, Charlie Chaplin, Leo Gallagher and others were pall-bearers.